11 TopicsShow Quiz Attempts with Hints in Drag-and-Drop Interactions
This quick tip is really handy for showing learners exactly how many attempts they have left and providing specific feedback for each missed attempt. And since we’re counting attempts, we’ll need some help from Storyline’s number variables.17Views0likes0CommentsMagic JavaScript switch?
I have a drag and drop quiz with 95 drag options that are then added to a chart. This is all working beautifully and tiling onto the chart very nicely, but if I want to randomize the order that the 95 options appear in (on the drag sequence menu) then I have to manually drag them around to make them appear randomized. Has anyone ever incorporated javascript to make drag options appear in random order if they are appearing one by one? Apologies if this is unclear or not allowed to ask.Solved363Views0likes7CommentsSending Points to the LMS using Javascript
I have a quiz that contains 14 free-form questions and one custom built question for a total of 15 points. Variable: customScore stores the custom question result. Variable: quiz.ScorePoints stores the built in quiz result. Variable: finalScore combines both values. On the result slide i can see all of these variables working as intended and being combined correctly. When i try and print the score to Moodle however the score repeatedly returns 0. I have played around with switching Results.ScorePercent with quiz.ScorePercent and quiz.ScorePoints without luck. Can anyone see any error in the script? Here is the code: var player = GetPlayer(); var customScore = player.GetVar("customScore"); var quizScore = player.GetVar("Results.ScorePercent"); var finalScore = quizScore + customScore; // Set the final score (0-100 scale) lmsAPI.SetScore(finalScore, 100, 0); // Mark the course as completed lmsAPI.SetReachedEnd();195Views1like5CommentsQuiz submitting 10 points to Moodle for every 1 point scored
Hi My Quiz is submitting 10 points to moodle for every 1 point the user scores. So if the student receives 5/10 in the quiz, 50 points are synced to the LMS instead of 5. Each quiz question is worth only 1 point in storyline. I cannot find a reason for this happening?49Views0likes3CommentsCan I see if a Test out feature is set up correctly in Review 360?
I am new to using storyline and I want to make sure I have appropriately set up my test out feature but every time I do the preview and publish it to review 360, it never shows any sections as being tested out even when I pick all the right answers. Does review 360 not show that functionality or does that mean I have something set up incorrectly?33Views0likes5CommentsQuiz Issues
Hello - our client has an online exam consisting of several question banks. Once placed on the LMS, the learner does not have the ability to resume where they left off yet the exam takes them to a random question when they return to the course. The course also does not give them a mark and shows in progress even though the settings are pass / fail. Anyone have similar issues? TIA32Views0likes3CommentsHow to trigger complete and passed restriction on Moodle
Hi I have a quiz built in Storyline set to sync the score to the LMS. The next post is a certificate that will only display once the SCORM file is marked complete and passed (The only option available to include passing) The user can complete the quiz, get a score, the score syncs to the grade book and the activity is marked as complete. However the next post remains locked as complete and passed has not been met. I have tried a multitude of options after reading other threads on the Moodle forums and no matter what i cannot get the completion to trigger on the next post. The feedback i have received is that the issue is coming from my Storyline quiz. I do have a trigger setting the state to completed/passed if the score is above 50%. Could someone share their Storyline export settings and SCORM activity settings if they have this working on the LMS please? Any suggestions appreciated.95Views0likes3CommentsQuiz Score not getting updated to the highest score.
I have uploaded a course with a quiz at the end. In my player setting, I've restricted the seek bar until the learner watches till the end of the timeline "Next" button will not be activated. Number of attempts allowed to take the course is 3. My concern is, on any given attempt, let's say 1st attempt, if I fail the quiz and I click retry and on the second quiz attempt I pass, and then fail on the third attempt even so, my score on the LMS is reflecting the failed score (LMS is considering the last attempt before exit). How do I solve this?63Views0likes3CommentsNew attempt with free seekbar but reset quiz
I've created a course and a quiz at the end. The course setting on LMS is with 3 attempts. There are multiple videos on each slide. I've restricted the seek bar until the learner watches till the end of the timeline Next button will not be activated. When I start a new attempt (after completing their first attempt) on the LMS, I would like the learner to be able to freely navigate through the menu and the seekbar. In other words I would all the slides to be in resumed state when the user enters a new attempt but quiz score is reset and they can comfortably take up the quiz. This way they can view what they wish to and learn if they missed out anything necessary to complete the quiz with a passing score. How would I be able to get this? Please assist33Views0likes1CommentCustomizing / fixing Reach360 learner reports
I am new to Reach 360 and trying to use it to streamline the process for grading quizzes that were created in Storyline. The quiz includes a variety of question types: true/ false, multiple choice, Numerical response, short answer text, etc. What I really want is to export a report that has the User responses from each user, ideally in a single tab but I can merge them if needed. When I tried to export two users' reports individually and compare them, the data were not aligned row-by-row (see screenshot). For 2 users I can manually clean this up but for the number I'm going to have, it is impractical. It's important that I have per-question data for each user as we will have to manually grade short answer questions to get to a final grade. Any insights on how to do this? Thank you!30Views0likes1Comment