Forum Discussion

TaylorVonAllmen's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Can I see if a Test out feature is set up correctly in Review 360?

I am new to using storyline and I want to make sure I have appropriately set up my test out feature but every time I do the preview and publish it to review 360, it never shows any sections as being tested out even when I pick all the right answers. Does review 360 not show that functionality or does that mean I have something set up incorrectly?

  • I am unsure if I understand your question about showing "sections as tested out".  Are you talking about showing them a result of their performance?

    • TaylorVonAllmen's avatar
      Community Member

      So we start by giving users the ability to test out (or take a preassessment as another way to put it) if they get all the questions correct on that topic then they don't have to complete that module in the training, it just gets marked as complete. Problem is I can't seem to get it to show up that way in Review360, I am unsure if that means I don't have it set up correctly or if that is a limitation on review360

  • Review 360 isn't an LMS. It doesn't track results. 

    If you don't want to/can't test the course in the LMS where it will eventually reside, test it in the SCORM CLOUD.

    • TaylorVonAllmen's avatar
      Community Member

      So I am not trying to track results, just check that I built the functionality right within Storyline. Do you know if Review360 should show objects as complete if you built logic to show them that way if they answer certain questions correctly?

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero

        Yes, Review 360 should show whether or not your triggers work (that is, as long as you're going through the course in one session). 

        You should also be able to check your course by previewing it.