Printed Quiz Results not populating PDF Output

Apr 04, 2017


I am having an issue and hopefully someone can help me. I have a quiz at the end of my course. I added a Results slide in my story. It has the Print Results button. I had it work before, but now it won't. When you complete the quiz, click print results, save to a folder location, then click to open the pdf, it is blank. Just has the name of the published file at the top, nothing in the middle, and the local file location at the bottom. When it worked before, it displayed pass or fail, a percentage, and a table with the questions, answers, and correct answers listed.

I guess my question is two-fold, because what I would really like it to do is only show the results percentage and pass or fail with the course name. I have been reading through forums and posts on here to try to understand how to edit the report.html file to make it do this. I haven't figured it out.

Please help.




7 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Shelley,

Thanks for letting us know what's going on! I have a few questions that'll help me narrow down why this is happening. What version of Storyline are you using? Also, how are you testing the content after it is published--in a web server or on an LMS? 

We do have an issue on our radar where the Print Result button is generating a blank report (except for a header and footer) in Internet Explorer 11 with HTML5. Does that seem to match what you're seeing?

Shelley Bates

As for the blank output from the Print button, the upgrade fixed that.

I still would like to be able to either customize the table contents that shows in that printout or replace it altogether with a certificate png file to only show pass or fail with the course name. I've been trying to figure out how to alter the report.html file, but have not been able to get it to work from my efforts.

Alyssa Gomez

It sounds like you're using Storyline 360, is that correct? Glad to hear you've sorted out the issue with the blank report. Now to tackle your second question...

If you make any modifications to the report.html file, you'll only see those changes in the Flash output (not the HTML5 output). If Flash is not an option for you, another community member found this workaround to be helpful, and it works great in HTML5. I also wanted to mention that removing the Review button from the results slide also removes question details from the Print Result report. 

Lastly, it's strange that your Review button is suddenly not working! Are you seeing this while viewing the published content locally? If so, try first uploading the published file to a web server or LMS, or even do a quick publish to Articulate 360. Do you notice a difference? Viewing published content locally can cause problems, so we always recommend testing it in it's intended environment. 

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