Saving user feedback from quiz/survey question

Jul 16, 2015

We are designing a compliance course and want to provide a 'survey' type question in which employees can list any known violations they've encountered during the quarter. We want to capture and log that info for each user.  Is there way to do this on the front-end with Storyline? We are checking w/ our LMS folks to see what they need.


24 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi John!

It's not that we don't send the data, but the LMS may not be able to report on it.

The following information is communicated to learning management systems (LMSs) by Articulate Storyline SCORM and AICC content:

  • id: Storyline sends a series of data for this string to identify the Scene#, the QuestionDraw# (if applicable), and the Slide# in that particular scene or question draw.
  • type: This is the type of question (True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, etc).
  • student_response: This is how the learner answered the question.
  • correct_response: This is the correct answer for the question.
  • result: This designates whether the learner answered the question correctly or not.
  • weighting: Articulate content doesn't currently utilize this item. It'll always be set to 1.
  • latency: This is how long it took the learner to answer the question.
  • objective: Articulate content doesn't currently utilize this item. It'll always be set to 0.

Tip: To send question text to your LMS, publish for SCORM 2004 or Tin Can API (also called Experience API).

John Curran

Many thanks Leslie.

That's really useful Leslie but needs the ability to work with the SCORM calls. A lot of Storyline users have little control over the LMS (and many don't even have an LMS) so the Survey question functionality is potentially attractive but ultimately not usable by these first time users. 

Also the above are Graded questions....survey questions are very different.

John Curran


Thanks for responding (also Ashley Terwilliger). What many people new to e-learning would like to do is incorporate surveys - typically a 'happy sheet' (Kirkpatrick level 1) at the end of a module - or include individual survey questions during a course. But of course they also need somewhere for this data to be collected. If you have technical skills, the appropriate access and know SCORM you may be able to get your own LMS to do this but many Storyline users don't have these capabilities.

If they don't then I guess the ONLY solution is Articulate Online which I know works beautifully for this purpose.

The web survey (e.g. using a site like SurveyMonkey) as web object works OK but it's disappointing not to be able to use the Storyline/Quizmaker survey questions as they look so much better integrated into the course.

I'll add a feature request though my guess is that this feature is pretty obviously required but non-trivial to implement!

Also covered here:

Phil Mayor

Hey John, apart from the likert question I expect the others will report well to any LMS.  If the client does not have an LMS you could very easily report this to a google sheet, but you would need to limit it to Pick one, pick many (you  could build your own likert of course and report that.

Not ideal and of course it all works great with articulate online.



Phil Mayor

This should help you set it up

I did this for two clients recently, only problem I had was I originally used my company gmail and followed these instructions and it didn't work, but switching to my other gmail address worked.  I used the form method as it was easier to set up.


Jim Larsen

Has there been anything new on this?  I am using Articulate 360 to create the online portion of a hybrid course.  I would like the Learner to be able to respond to a self assessment in the online training, and then print and carry those results into the instructor led portion of the training.  After looking through the forum and exploring in 360, it seems my best option is to create a fillable form and store it in the Resources folder, then link to it from the training.

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Jim! Were you using Internet Explorer 11 to view the content? We are aware of an issue where the print results trigger generates a blank report when content is viewed on Internet Explorer 11 with HTML5. Our Quality Assurance team is investigating a fix for the issue, and in the meantime, you'll want to use another browser or view the content in Flash instead. The document I attached here is the print result page from Chrome. 

I'll be sure to share updates in this thread once we receive more information from the QA team. 

Jim Larsen

We are a government agency that does not use Chrome.  Internet Explorer is our only option. I guess I have to lock it down to Flash.  Your demo works for me, but my project still gives me a blank page even as Flash.  I have only tried viewing it locally.  I guess I will have to upload to an LMS to see if it behaves any better.

Jim Larsen

That is not a useful print layout for a Likert Scale survey.  I was able to get it to show with Chrome and Flash when viewed in an LMS.  I could alter my survey and put one response per slide, but that would turn a 4 slide survey into 20 slides.  Thanks for trying to help me.  It appears this feature still needs work.

Alyssa Gomez

I apologize, Jim, I wasn't aware that you are using a Likert scale. You're more than welcome to share your thoughts on improving the print layout of this feature with our product development team here, and in the meantime, hopefully other folks in the community can chime in and share their ideas, as well.

I also wanted to mention that I've seen other folks use Javascript to print a screen capture of the Window. Although that's not something our team can assist with, we have some general Javascript best practices here, including the code for Print Current Slide.

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