Red cross

Jan 22, 2016

I'm having so many Storyline challenges this week!

The latest is that a file seems to have become corrupt - a red cross is appearing across one screen.

I am working off the desk top, and I've tried importing the files into a new project. The file keeps sending an error report and crashing.

Any idea what's going on? Please help.

6 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Katherine -- Sorry to hear you are having issues! Can you please share a screenshot of the error you are seeing? It sounds to me like you are experiencing what some refer to as the 'Red X of Death'! Yikes! 

There are quite a few threads on this topic that you may want to check out:

SL2 Slides Go White and Fill with a Big Red X

Red X

Red X on screen when I try to edit text

Please let us know if that helps, and if need be, please run the repair steps listed in #2 here, and see this info on how to address corrupt files. 

Katherine Redfern

Thanks for your reply, Christie. I can't open the file at all to get a screenshot: the program just crashes when I try to open it.

It looks as though the red X of death has killed this particular course and I'll need to go back to the previous version.

Do you think reinstalling the software could help at this point?

Katherine Redfern

Hi Wendy - thank you for your comment. I did try importing the file, but then the new file crashed too. It's certainly a killer red X.

The original problem slide was one with lots of text boxes on plus one image. I'd also changed the format of the course from 4:3 to 16:9 - perhaps that proved too much to handle.

Nancy Woinoski

Try moving the suspect file to a scene that is not connected to the rest of the slides and the see if you can preview or publish the course. If you can then you know there is an issue with that one slide. If this is the case then I would try to recreate the slide and then try to publish. If the project crashes then you will need to come up with a different design for the problematic slide. Lots of text on a screen can be a problem so you might have to break up the text across multiple slides.

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