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7 Immersive Learning Experiences That Use 360° Images

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
2 years ago

Do you need to teach your learners concepts that go beyond a static image? Would they benefit from exploring and practicing in an environment that resembles the real world? Well, look no further! Thanks to the 360° images feature in Storyline 360, you have more options to create those realistic learning experiences. 

Check out these examples to see how 360° images can be used to create more engaging and immersive learning experiences on all sorts of topics. 

Storyline: Interactive 360° Sales Associate Onboarding

Allow employees to virtually explore their work environment using customized markers like in this sales associate onboarding example by Paul Njuguna.

Storyline: A 360° Tour of U.S. Landmarks

Check out this interactive example by Sarah Hodge to see how you can use a variety of 360° images to teach learners interesting facts and to test their knowledge.  

Storyline: Interactive 360° Storytelling Experience

Use podcast techniques and interactive 360° images to enhance your story-based content like Bianca Woods does in this storytelling experience

Storyline: Gamified 360° Image

Give your learners an opportunity to complete a task in a realistic environment like in this gamified learning experience by Joanne Chen

Storyline: A 360° Clinic Cleaning Simulation

Help learners build good hygiene or other workplace habits from the start like in this clinic cleaning simulation by Bianca Woods

Storyline: Timed 360° Treasure Hunt

Take a look at this treasure hunt example by Kate Golomshtok to see how you can use a timed interaction to test whether or not your learners can think and act fast. 

Storyline: A 360° Grand Central Terminal Tour

This guided tour example by Jodi Sansone is one way you can use 360° images to allow learners to explore remote locations. 


These immersive learning experiences are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many creative and innovative ways to use 360° image interactions in your courses. Already have a project you want to share? Please leave a comment with a link to it below. We love seeing new and innovative ways to engage learners. If you want to see more creative projects, head on over to the weekly challenges, downloads, and examples to get more ideas.   

Feeling inspired to create your own immersive learning experience in Storyline 360, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0