Articulate Presenter 360 lets you choose the timer format for embedded Articulate Quizmaker quizzes.

Setting the Quiz Timer Format

  1. Go to the Articulate tab on the PowerPoint ribbon and click Player.
  2. When the Player Properties window opens, click Other on the ribbon.
  3. Use the Quiz timer format drop-down in the lower left corner to choose a timer format.
  4. Click OK.

Timer Tips:

  • The format you select will be applied to all embedded quizzes where the timer is enabled (see below for details).
  • The responsive player will always use the time remaining format.

Turning the Timer On or Off

Presenter controls how the timer is displayed, but Quizmaker controls whether or not it's enabled. Do the following for each quiz in your course to change the timer properties.

  1. Go to the quiz placeholder slide in PowerPoint and click Edit in Quizmaker.
  2. When Quizmaker opens, go to the Home tab on the ribbon and click Quiz Properties.
  3. Select the Quiz Info tab in the upper left corner.
  4. To turn the timer on, mark the box to End quiz after, and enter the number of minutes and seconds. To turn the timer off, uncheck the box to End quiz after.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save and Return to Presenter.

Tip: The timer format in Quizmaker applies to standalone quizzes. It's superseded by the timer format in Presenter when quizzes are embedded in PowerPoint.

Saving Player Changes

When you click OK to close the Player Properties window, Presenter saves your player customizations in your project file.

If you'd like to use the same customizations in other projects, click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Save. Enter a name for your custom player if you're prompted and click OK.

To learn more about the Current Player options, see this user guide.

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