By default, all reviewers receive instant email notifications when someone replies to their comments or @mentions them. (The content owner receives email notifications for all comments.) The good news is you can manage your subscriptions and notifications by signing in with an Articulate ID, which is a great reason to create a free account if you don’t already have one.

Here's how to subscribe to a Review 360 item and control the frequency of notifications.

Subscribe to a Review 360 item or Mute Notifications

You’ll receive email notifications for a Review 360 item when other reviewers reply to your comments or @mention you. But what if you want to get notifications for all comments or stop getting comments for an item? There’s a setting for that!

  1. Click the More (•••) icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Project Notifications. (You must sign in to Review 360 with an account to see this setting.)
  2. Choose one of these options:
    • Your Activity triggers email notifications when someone replies to your comments or @mentions you. This is the default setting for all reviewers except the content owner.
    • All Activity triggers email notifications for all comments and replies on the content. This is the default setting for the content owner.
    • Mute Project never sends email notifications.
  3. Click outside the notification settings menu to close it.

Change the Frequency of Email Notifications

You’ll receive email notifications instantly by default, but you can reduce the frequency to hourly or daily.

  1. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen and choose Notification Settings. (You must sign in to Review 360 with an account to see notification settings.)
  2. Choose how often you want to receive email notifications: Instantly, Hourly, or Daily.
  3. Click outside the notification settings menu to close it.

Email frequency is a global setting that applies to all your Review 360 items (except items you've muted).