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What You Need to Know About File Versioning Your Storyline 360 Projects

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5 years ago

If you’ve ever worked on a large Storyline 360 project, then you understand the amount of effort and development time that go into building a course that looks and works just the way you want. Getting to the final product is often an iterative process that includes a lot of checkpoints and reviews along the way—you edit text, adjust images, record narration, and time animations. As you go through that process, it’s a good best practice to ensure you version your Storyline 360 projects along the way. 

What is file versioning?

File versioning simply means to make a copy of a file. Creating a new version of your Storyline 360 project is as easy as doing a “Save As” of your .STORY file and giving the file a new name. 

Why do you need file versioning?

Having more than one version of your file is a safeguard, in case something goes awry with your existing .STORY file. What if your file becomes corrupt or unusable for some reason? What if you need to roll back a change you made and return your file to a prior state? These are just a few good reasons to use file versioning.

How often should you version?

This is a personal preference, but you might want to consider how much work you’re getting done in a day or week, and how much you’d be willing to re-do should your file become corrupt or lost. You’ll likely want to consider creating a new version of your document daily, weekly, or, at the very least, monthly. 

What to name versions?

Everyone tends to have their own approach to final naming conventions. One way to make sure files are easy to sort through is to use the date at the start of the title, like so:




How long to keep old versions?

It’s a good idea to hang on to your versions until the end of the project, in case you need to recover your work. Once the project is complete, you’re probably safe to delete most of the versions, but it might still be a good idea to keep a few indefinitely, just in case.

How often to back up?

Keep in mind that all these versions will be useless if your computer crashes and you lose all your files. That’s why you need to back up your work to an external hard drive or a cloud-based program. Doing so at regular intervals will allow you to easily and quickly recover any past versions of your file should something happen to your computer. 


Having a file-versioning strategy is a good way to avoid frustrating and time-consuming rework. Do you have any other tips for backing up and versioning your project files? How do you name your files, and how long do you hang on to them? Let me know in the comments below. 

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Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Great article and reminder for people. I have been doing this obsessively for years. Some projects had 30 versions. I just delete old ones later but still keep a few old ones. Learned the hard way by losing hours of work or by doing something and a client changing their mind from what we had earlier. I just add a version number to the end of my filename. I also work directly off of Dropbox. However, you do need to close your file now and again so that it will sync the file with the Cloud.
  • TInaDeux's avatar
    Community Member
    Following getting my previous company ISO 9001 accredited, I picked up the habit of FileName (V?_Initials_Date). For example, STORY (V1.5_TD_09OCT2019). Minor changes lead to the version number increasing by .1 each time and then major changes resulted in version number increasing by a whole integer, such as removing/adding a section would increment the version number to V2. The initials allows a record of who made the changes if you have a number of team members that are able to amend the file.
  • GoranaCeranic's avatar
    Community Member
    Having experienced the gut wrenching despair of losing a whole project I've certainly learned the hard way the importance of creating versions and never deleting any of them until the very end of the project. Even then I save and keep the final and two previous versions 'just in case'. Depending on the size/complexity of the project - I've been known to create a new version as often as daily. Call me paranoid, but it's definitely a case of 'once bitten, I ain't ever goin' back there again!!'. For the record, I like to save using the project name followed by v1, 2, 3.... (for unfinished projects) and then 'final' for the completed version.
  • I love the's something that's saved me many times over the years with PowerPoint presentations and Articulate courses.

    I do see a lot of file name gibberish here (2019-09-5_FileName.story, V1.5_TD_09OCT2019, concreteRepair02-12-19.story, etc.) In Windows, you can just name the file as you speak, in sentence form, with spaces and punctuation. You don't need underscores, and you don't need to mash all the words together. A filename like "Selling Skills course January 8, 2020 version 1.5" is much easier to recall and search than words all run together, and it's easier on the eyes and easier to discern for recipients.
  • Thank you Nicole! I've done some limited file versioning on my projects, but I'll definitely push for more detailed versions going forward. I already do this for fillable PDF forms for our on-boarding needs, keeping the original document and the associated files in a sub-folder for easy access (and it keeps the primary folder free of clutter).

    We also use a secure cloud storage file sharing utility for our live and archived files. Current copies are pulled from the cloud, worked on locally and then copied back to the cloud each time. Life saver when I'm working from home on a different machine!
  • PeterJohnson's avatar
    Community Member
    A great overview for saving our bacon! Thanks, Nicole!

    One idea that I found to be helpful is to add the date after the file name.
    That way all the backup copies will automatically group together alphabetically.
    I also format the date the same every time mm-dd-yy so they stay in the right order.
    If I have done lots of work and have two backup copies I add a letter to give them unique names.


    Another tip for large projects:

    Set up a main file: concreteRepairMain.story
    As you near the end of a large project the main file could take several minutes to save. I real buzz kill as the deadlines loom.

    To solve this problem build your project by building separate sections:

    As each section is finished (and approved), use the File/Import feature to bring those slides into the main .story file.

    I also use Nicole's backup suggestions for each of these smaller sections.

    Just remember that once you have imported a small section into the main story file to make you corrections and changes in the main file. Otherwise, you'll have to make edits in both the main and the smaller section files.
  • PeetGrunert's avatar
    Community Member
    reg working on Dropbox. I tend to work on a FileName_Date and FileName_WIP (work in progress) and use "Save as.." for both frequently swapping between and overwriting the other file, making sure I save both at then end of the day. The next day I start with _WIP and "Save as.." with new date.. Versioning built-in. In the end how one achieves backups / versions is everyones own business. The need for it should be obvious. IT staff usually have little sympathy for people without backups.
  • BrynJenkins's avatar
    Community Member
    A naming convention I have used is to append a number and letter to the end of the dated file name. Example "ProjectX_2019-10-22_v1a" Where the v is just short for version, the 1 represents the day of the project development and the letter represents the approximate hour it was worked on. So to further explain in the example for version 1a - I know it was created on day 1 and in the first hour/approximately two hours into developing would be 1b, three hours 1c etc. Day two would start with 2a. At the end of the project I can roughly total how many days and hours were involved for that project.
  • PeterJohnson's avatar
    Community Member
    The "mashed-up" file naming comes from my work as a web programmer. The internet doesn't like spaces, changing them to %20 in the URL.

    A file named Home Page would become https://Home%20page

    Before the web, programmers would separate words using an underscore, but the hyperlink made that confusing because hyperlinks are often underlined and people wouldn't know if something was a space or an underline.

    home_page in a hyperlink would hide the _
    By using camelCase (capitalizing the first letter of each word) we can create a readable filename without using spaces or underlines.

    As a programmer, I also found that consistency in naming files and variables is critical in reducing errors. So, I've adapted this file naming convention along with lots of other programmers for all my file management. This consistency becomes invaluable when working with variable, object, and layer names inside of Articulate.

    You may not be aware of it, historically Windows actually maintains two separate file lists. One that allows people to use spaces in the file names. This then links to the file list inside the operating system which doesn't allow spaces. It was Microsoft's solution, allowing the operating system to be more user-friendly to all the variety of people using it.
  • That's a great explanation! Thank you for explaining that. My filename conventions have also served me well, as my files are shared with my clients either through Articulate 360 or via file sharing apps such as OneDrive or WeTransfers, which keep the names intact, spaces and all.

    Of all the "mashed up" styles, I do like camelCase best of all. It lets you use actual words.

    I guess it's all in how the files will be used.