20+ E-Learning Portfolio Tips & Examples from Course Designers #438
E-Learning Portfolio Examples RECAP #438: Challenge | Recap
Discover more than 20 e-learning portfolio tips and examples from professional course designers.
Richard Watson
Include examples in your portfolio to attract your target audience. For example, my Client Shap Shots portfolio includes healthcare-related topics.
Example 1 | Example 2 | Richard Watson | Website | @rwatsonID
Bryana Bohl
Find a hosting platform that is not too complicated and allows you to scale.
Example | Bryana Bohl | Website
Niyeda Suliveres-McDougal
Using Rise 360 to host samples is so helpful with allowing me to avoid hosting a separate website.
Example | Niyeda Suliveres-McDougal
Arthur Korous
Example 1 | Example 2 | Arthur Korous
Allison Goldthorpe
Tell the story behind the sample! At the end of the day, ok you've built a cool elearning interaction. But why? What problem does it solve?
Example | Allison Goldthorpe | Website | @AGoldthorpeID
Jodi M. Sansone
Your resume is not your life story, it's a marketing document. Tailor your resume to the role you are pursuing. only put things on your resume that you like to do, otherwise you'll get considered for jobs you hate. So if you don't like to do elearning for systems implementations, don't put those accomplishments on your resume.
Example | Jodi M. Sansone | Website | @jodimsansone
Jonathan Hill
I think there's definitely a place for some RADICAL CANDOR in our portfolios.
Example | Jonathan Hill | Website | @DevByPowerPoint
Leah Heinrich
Anita Kumar
Just like we always consider our target audience when designing our learning solutions, we must consider our target audience when crafting our portfolio. The target audience comprises busy hiring managers. So don't drown them with details of your process. Make it succinct and visually appealing, so they quickly understand your process even if they're skimming through it.
Example | Approach | Anita Kumar | Website
Samuel Apata
Sharing about yourself gives reference points that make you more accessible to others and my self-titled demo reflects that. While it might contain more personal information than I might share with an employer, I'm curious to discover if we have any identities in common.
Example | Samuel Apata | Website | @afrostem
Yvonne Leklou
Update when you are between contracts or want to try something new. I hadn't been going to update my portfolio in quite a while. And when I finally did, I realized I needed to remove some very basic examples and a very long one. Short examples are great because most people looking at them don't have a lot of time. Also, add a brief explanation to each piece highlighting what you want the viewer to know. While it might be obvious to you, it might not be to the viewer.
Wendy Mcmillian
Timothy Crowe & Kelly Fischer
Example | Download | Kelly Fischer | Timothy Crowe
Bonne Nagle
Example 1 | Example 2 | Bonne Nagle | Website
Aman Vohra
Example | Aman Vohra | Website
Laura Hansen
Focus on results and tell the story, just like you would on a resume!
Tom Haarman
Sarah Scott
Don't wait until you're looking for work to update your portfolio samples! When you come up with something you think deserves a showcase, add it.
mat king
Example | Learn more | mat king
Kate Golomshtok
Example | Kate Golomshtok | Website
Ashi (Neha) Tandon
Example | Ashi (Neha) Tandon | Website | @ashi_tandon
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I'll update the recap posts to include your demos.
If you have a blog, please write about your challenge example. I'll add links to your blog post so your examples get even more exposure. And for those who share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, please include #ELHChallenge so your network (and Articulate!) can track your e-learning coolness.
Share Your Interactive Resume and E-Learning Portfolio Examples!
The portfolio challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.