35 Ways to Design Custom Scenes Using the Floor, Wall, & Baseboard Effect #419
Custom Slide Designs in E-Learning RECAP #419: Challenge | Recap
This week’s challenge asked course designers to give their slides a sense of depth and perspective using the floor, wall, & baseboard technique. Using simple design techniques, designers combined three visual elements to create custom scenes that adapt to various content needs.
Nicholle Caruthers
Sharon Keung
Examples | Sharon Keung | Website
Adessa Condrack
Jennifer Clarke
Amelia Buchanan
Jackie Matuza
Example | Download | Jackie Matuza | Website
Teresa Iden
Simon Johnson
Yvonne Urra-Bazain
Example | Yvonne Urra-Bazain | Website
Jonathan Hill
Example | Jonathan Hill | Website | @DevByPowerPoint
Ron Katz
Kate Goad
Jennifer Yawn
Ange CM
Courtney Roberts
Ghazi Zia
Richard Mulcahy
Sneha Keshari
Lisa Lim
Jacquelyn Calder
eLearn Dev
Amaly Gillig
Carrie Susong Gurkin
Example | Video overview | Carrie Susong Gurkin
Dennis Gifford
Ron Katz
Example | Downloads | Ron Katz | Website
Nhlamolo Moja
Aman Vohra
Example | Aman Vohra | Website
Kate Golomshtok
Example | Kate Golomshtok | Website
Jaime Pimsler
Kristin Hatcher
Jennifer Yawn
New to the E-Learning Challenges?
The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I'll update the recap posts to include your demos.
If you have a blog, please write about your challenge example. Then, we'll link back to your posts so your great work gets even more exposure.
If you share your demos on Twitter, please include #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.
Share Your Floor Wall Baseboard Design Examples!
The floor, wall, & baseboard challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.