Blog Post

Challenge Recaps

Call Center Support Training Scenarios in E-Learning #47

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

Call Center Training in E-Learning RECAP #47: Challenge | Recap

Howdy E-Learning Heroes! I hope you're enjoying this week's challenge.

After seeing what you folks come up with week after week, I think the slogan "There's an app for that" should be changed to "There's an E-Learning Hero for that!" You guys are amazing amazing. Thanks to everyone who shared a demo, source file, or supportive feedback this week. 

Interested in sharing a call center demo?

We'd love to see your work. Just add a link in the comments below and we'll update this post to include your example. And if you share your challenge demos on Twitter, use #ELHchallenge so your tweeps can find your e-learning coolness.You're also welcome to share your call center demo on our Facebook call center challenge page.

Keep up the amazing work, E-Learning Heroes!

Call Center Software Training

View Jackie's Call Center | Jackie Van Nice | Blog post | @JackieTrains 


Call Centre

View Tracy's Call Centre Demo | Tracy Parish | Blog Post | @TracyParish

Call Center Comic Book Game

View Demo | Andrew Sellon | Blog Post | @AndrewSellonNY

Call Center Interactive Training

View Demo | Source File | Daniel Adeboye | Blog Post

Call Center Training - Studio ‘13

View Demo | Source File | Jeff Kortenbosch | Serious Learning | @elearningjeff

Call Center Training Challenge

View Demo | Gerard Friel | Blog Post | @gerardfriel

Call Center Interaction

View Demo | Nagarjuna Veeramallu | Pixentia | @pixentia

Richard Watson

View demo | Learn more | Richard Watson | @rwatsonID


More about the e-learning challenges:

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Share Your Call Center Training Examples!

The call center challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0