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E-Learning Challenges

Choose Your Own E-Learning Challenge (2022) #378

DavidAnderson's avatar
3 years ago

Choose Your E-Learning Challenge #378: Challenge | Recap

Challenge of the Week

This week, your challenge is to choose your e-learning challenge topic and build an example for that challenge. 

Feel free to catch up on previous challenges, or come up with something entirely different. Who knows? Your entry might inspire the next e-learning challenge!

Include Your Topic with Your Entry

When you post your your example, please tell us your challenge topic by introducing your entry with, “This week, my challenge was to. . ." 

This will help others know what to look for when viewing your example.

New Entries Only!

There’s only one catch. Your entry this week must be original. So you can’t reuse an example you shared in a previous challenge. 

You can, however, rework a previous entry. For example, if you want to share a Progress Bar (#368) demo, your challenge could be more specific, like vertical progress meters or an image-based progress bar. This way, you could modify something you shared in a previous challenge.

Share Your E-Learning Work

  • Comments: Use the comments section below to share a link to your published example and blog post.
  • Forums: Start  your own thread and share a link to your published example..
  • Personal blog:  If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure.
  • Social Media: If you share your demos on Twitter or LinkedIn, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Last Week’s Challenge: 

Before you choose your topic, check out the quick and dirty cover slide examples your fellow challengers shared over the past week:

E-Learning Cover Slides #377: Challenge | Recap

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly e-learning challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challengesanytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

Learn more about the challenges in this Q&A post and why and how to participate in this helpful article.

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0
    • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
      Community Member
      I like it! Helps reinforce key points about their health plans!
  • Hi all.

    I've been meaning for a while to create a slider that adjusts the blurriness of an image. It sprung out of another project I was doing that led my brain down its own private rabbit holes & I honestly don't have a use case for it, but I'm more interested in 'Can I' than 'Why should I'.

    Here's what I came up with:

    It's not pretty, I didn't do much to it other than the interaction itself, but it let me know that it can be done. It works very simply. The base layer is just the background image, and I have a new layer that has a blurry image that covers the whole slide, which is triggered to pause as soon as it starts. The blur image has a slow fade (5 seconds). The slider is tied to a number of triggers - every increment change of one jumps .1 seconds on the timeline of the layer. My concern going in was whether the transition would be smooth or not, but honestly I'm happy with the way it looks...I just have to find an applicable use for it.
    • IrisSchlabitz's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Nate,
      that is a great idea. I must try this out myself - I don't have a use case myself, but who knows what the future brings? Thanks for the direction!
    • CydWalker_mwhc's avatar
      Community Member
      Love it! It works very smoothly! Perhaps it reveals a message at the end. In this case the message might be: If we don't express ourselves, we are nothing but a blank slate.
  • IrisSchlabitz's avatar
    Community Member
    For some time now I was wondering how I could have a little bird fly through the screen smoothly, also being able to reuse the slide for multiple purposes.
    I came up with this:

    I have a background image on the slide with a trigger "show layer when timeline starts" to my layer.

    On the layer (approx. 4 seconds long) I imported the bird right to the left, outside of the layer, and added states for each movement - by means of a bulk upload.
    Then I moved each bird movement about 20 points to the right, so it actually flies through the image.

    (The bird itself with its individual movements I bought from Adobe images (EPS file) and exported each movement with Illustrator).

    Then I added triggers:
    Existing variable: Slide.ElapsedTime set to 0 if Slide.ElapsedTime is equal or above 100
    Own number variable: Add 1 to "Bird" when Slide.ElapsedTime changes, if Slide.ElapsedTime is equal or less than 10.
    For each State I added: Set state Bird to Asset 2 when Bird changes, if Bird =value 1, Asset 3 =value 2 etc. (to fill the entire page I had about 45 states).
    Then I added: Set Bird to 0 when timeline ends on this layer
    Jump to time 0 on this layer when timeline ends on this layer.

    I would have shared the open SL file, but since I bought the bird image, I am not allowed to do that.

    But I hope my explanation is clear enough? But perhaps there is an easier way to do this?

    • NateCampbell-f3's avatar
      Community Member
      looks great! the movement is really bird-like, it really works...i like the state triggers w/ the variables too.

      the one thing i wonder is how this would have worked w/ a Motion Path instead of manually moving the bird (if I understand your explanation).

      either way, this is really good.
      • IrisSchlabitz's avatar
        Community Member
        Hi Nate, thank you!
        Yes I thought also about the motion path, however it would then not include the natural wings movement. Or one would have to change state within the motion path? Not sure whether that works though?
  • AmanVohra's avatar
    Community Member
    Hello everyone!

    I have created an Audio Quiz, where the user needs to listen to a small clip of audio and guess the song title based on what he/she heard.


    Would love to hear from you and get some feedback.
  • Hi there,

    I am new to the e-Learning Challenges, and I have to say I am slightly nervous yet excited as I write my first entry. For several weeks I tried to figure out a way to customize a course that could smoothly transition from light to dark mode using a toggle, and I finally did! I only used three main variables; one global, one enabler, and an array of variables for the menu, which also changes from light to dark depending on whether they are down or inactive. This was a very fun project, and I used the same process for a major project I am still developing for the company I work for, along with a software simulator.

    I'd really appreciate your feedback.

    • Ron_Katz's avatar
      Community Member
      Luis, wonderful work on this. I like how everything changes with the switch. If there are no instructions at the beginnng of the lesson regarding the use of the swtich, I would recommend placing some icons on either side (perhaps a sun and a moon) to indicate the switch's purpose. Keep up the great work and welcome to the eLearing Challenges.