Adding sound to a state

Feb 08, 2014

Hi everyone!

I´m trying to figure out how to add sound to a state. Can someone please help me out?
I have a slide where my caracter say that "You can get more information about this and that if you click on the pictures". Then I have created a different state for five pictures. I even have succeeded to add sound to the picture and i have done the triggers so I can see the state when I click on the picture. But I can´t here the sound. :( Please, please, help....


25 Replies
Michael Hinze

Hi Anna, welcome to the community.

You cannot attach (or insert) an audio file directly to an object's state. One option would be to add the object audio to a layer and call this layer when an object is clicked. See attached a quick example with audio on the baselayer, three clickable pictures and audio on layers. You could also have all audio files on the baselayer and use MediaPlay, MediaPause triggers to play an audio file when an object is clicked. Hope that gives you some ideas.

Anna Barsk Holmbom

Michael Hinze said:

Hi Anna, welcome to the community.

You cannot attach (or insert) an audio file directly to an object's state. One option would be to add the object audio to a layer and call this layer when an object is clicked. See attached a quick example with audio on the baselayer, three clickable pictures and audio on layers. You could also have all audio files on the baselayer and use MediaPlay, MediaPause triggers to play an audio file when an object is clicked. Hope that gives you some ideas.

Hi Michael! And many thanks for your answer. It helped me a lot! I figured out how to to it. Now I have a baselayer with a person that tells the listners to click on one of the pictures to find out more. Then I made a layer for each picture where I put the sound. Clicking on the picutre is the trigger to change layer. I also use states to change the caracters. Works out great! Thanks again
David Marquez

Hi Guys, this conversation should be updated. As of today, you CAN insert audio (.WAV) into a state of an image. I insert a cursor from the icons library, created a state (Click) and added a sound effect of a mouse click for that state. 

I did that because the default mouse size is huge and there is no way to fade out the mouse once it has appeared on the screen. So the size tends to obstruct important information on the screen.

Also, there is no way to have ore that one mouse action per screen.

Alyssa Gomez

Hey, Brian! Happy to help you add audio to a state. Try this:

  1. Create the new state.
  2. While you're still editing the new state, click Insert >> Audio.
  3. Select the audio file you want to add to the state. (The audio should appear only in the new state, not in the Normal state.)
  4. Click Done editing states.

Let me know how it goes!

Karen Alveston

The object states I want to add audio to are on a layer. I can insert audio to the visited state of each object, no problem, but when I preview, no audio plays, even though I see the audio icon in the visited state view. Could the fact that it is in a layer be the issue? Thanks for any advice!

Becca Levan

Happy to work with you on this, Karen!

I've attached a working sample that will play an audio file when the state of an object is visited. Here's a 1-minute demo of that.

I'd be happy to take a look at your file if you're stuck! Feel free to share it in this discussion, or you can share it privately with me here.

Looking forward to your response so we can keep at this!

Dorothy Miller

This is a great thread, thank you.  I've managed to add audio to a state, and for it to play the audio when close button selected! Is there a way I can set this to only be available to JAWS users?  Below is an example of one of my trigger steps:

When user clicks Close:

Play Audio Procedural Visited

Jump to slide Long Term Memory






Jose Tansengco

Hello Dorothy, 

There isn't a way for Storyline 360 to recognize if a screen reader is currently active, so making an action that will happen only when JAWS is running is currently not an available feature. I'll open the floor to other community members to see if they have any workarounds that they could share!