Articulate 360 Variables at End of Decision-Based Activity

Dec 22, 2021

Hi there! 

I recently created a decision-based interview activity, where on the last page of each interview scenario they should see a result/consequence based on their choices earlier in the activity.

This worked for the first scenario I developed, but once I added the others (with unique variables), they all stopped working and now I get a generic result for each. Would someone be willing to take a quick look? I have stared at it for too long. :)

Thanks in advance!

5 Replies
Walt Hamilton

I took a quick peek at slide 2.19, and found a problem with this trigger (and I assume others like it):



As you can see, AffirmativeCount is changed only on slides 2.10, 2.11, and 2.15. On slide 2.19, it is used in the above trigger, to initiate it, and as a condition.


The problem is that the change of a variable can be heard only on the slide that changes it, so 2.19 never hears it change, and this trigger is never executed.

If you are trying to do what I think you are trying to do, you might have these sorts of triggers fire when the Text Entry variable changes.

I also know you will have problems with triggers of this general configuration:


Once a "Jump to ..." trigger is encountered, the jump sequence is initiated, and part of the jump sequence is to stop executing any additional triggers. That means that the value is never added to CompleteGeneral. To get both of these triggers to execute, change their order, with Add value coming first. Triggers are executed in the order they appear in the list, so you can trace what a series of triggers will do by reading through the list from top to bottom.

There are a lot of slides and a lot of variables here, so to some extent, I'm just guessing at what your problem is. However, I am sure these two items will cause you problems, if they have not already. If making these changes doesn't set you on the right track, maybe you can explain more specifically what you want to have happen, what is happening, and what slides are involved, and I'll try again.



Alyssa Erickson

Hi Walt,

Thank you for taking the time to look at the activity and reply!

What I'm looking to do is have choices earlier in the activity impact which Results slide is shown at the end of the activity. For example, if they select incorrect choices on slides 2.10 and 2.11 (connected to the trigger to add 1 to AffirmativeCount), then on slide 2-19 the slide layer "2-3 Affirmative Responses Selected" will appear at the end.

Perhaps the way I have designed the activity prevents this. If the change of a variable can be heard only on the slide that changes it, is it possible to do this another way?

Thanks again!