Automatic Change of Color Theme - From Dark to Light

Sep 27, 2021

Hi Community,

Is it possible to automatically change the theme color of the course from Dark to Light (and back again to dark color if the learner changed his mind)?

Context: During one of the design reviews, the stakeholder mentioned that their branding color is too dark and asked if it's possible to automatically change it to a light color if the learners experienced "eye fatigue" staring at the dark color.


2 Replies
Marie Nelson

Hi Ernie! 

This is possible but would require some work with states or copying your whole course and having a dark and light theme. Here are the proposed solutions:

  • States
    1. Create a filled rectangle to be your background
    2. Add a state to that rectangle for the Dark or Light mode, whichever isn't default
    3. Add a trigger to this element to change from one state to the other depending on clicking a certain button
    4. Repeat step 2 and 3 for any text/picture elements onscreen
      • Pros: 
        • Won't mess up completion of course
      • Cons:
        • Could be time consuming
        • Much more room for error if you miss a state or trigger for changing the state
  • Concurrent scene
    1. Create your story like usual using either dark or light mode
    2. Duplicate the scene(s) and change the theme to be the opposite, dark or light
    3. Add a button to each of these instances and set a trigger to take you to the corresponding slide in the other mode. 
      • Pros
        • Relatively easy
      • Cons
        • Will require a custom completion trigger if needed
        • Will require updates in 2 separate places for any changes