Can you draw a line with Javascript in Storyline 360?

Sep 18, 2022

Hi, Is it possible to draw a line on the screen using JavaScript in Storyline 360?

I'm working on a statistics example where I want to draw a regression line on a scatterplot. The learner can add a new data point and see the regression line change. 

I've found the following Javascript, but I don't know how to make it work in Storyline 360.

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.moveTo(0, 60);
ctx.lineTo(300, 60);

9 Replies
Math Notermans

Storyline doesnot has a Canvas element in its HTML by default. So first thing you need to do is add a Canvas element to Storyline.

In my sample i add that at the start of the timeline.

Add it to a shape on Storylines screen with a specified accessibility name so its easy selectable.

Then you can get the Canvas by its Id as in your code... and draw lines, shapes, triangles and anyother supported Canvas methods on it as seen on my sample.

Adding the basic Storyline for that.

Chris Curry

Thanks so much for posting this example!

I do have a question though. When I change the "ctx.lineTo()" numbers, it does not seem to increase the width of the line. It appears as if it is getting masked out.

So, for example, here is what the line looks with "ctx.lineTo(300, 120)". (See line01.jpg)


However, if i change "ctx.lineTo(1200,120)", it changes then angle of the line, but the width is the same. (See line02.jpg)


Do you have any insight into why this is happening?

Chris Curry

Sorry, there was a bit of confusion on what I was asking. "ctx.lineWidth" effects how thick the line is obviously. I was talking about where the line ends. The total size of the line.

If I understand the code correctly, "ctx.moveto" indicates the starting point of the line, and "ctx.lineto" will be the point to where the line will draw to. In my second example above, I changed the "x" position of the line to "ctx.lineto(1200, 120)" (much longer than the width of the slide which is 960). However it still travels the same distance as the first example, which is set to "ctx.lineto(300, 120)".

Apologies for any confusion in my original question. Thanks!

Math Notermans

Info about Canvas and drawing on it is to be found abundantly on the web.
Like this..

The default values when creating a Canvas by script are small ( 200x200 or some ).
Setting those values at creation to fullscreen size and it will show lines as long as you want.

canv.width = window.innerWidth;
canv.height = window.innerHeight;

Then you can do whatever wanted. However as you can see in my sample the 'px'- values of Storyline for sure mismatch with Canvas units. As they are different. So your best bet probably is a calculation or using percentages.
