Common Cartridge

Nov 27, 2023

Has anyone worked with Common Cartridge files before? Or individual HTML files? And found a way to incorporate it in Storyline?

For each slide, I've added them as Web Objects and which requires the files to be named "index.html". The main folder that I'm working with contains several ####.html files.  I then created individual folders, moved the .html file, and renamed each file as index.html

The issue that I'm having is that even though the text is showing up, the CSS elements are broken.

3 Replies
Zynthia Martinez

Thanks Walt. Appreciate the help! First time to do this and unsure if I'm doing it correctly.

For the 1st suggestion: I've essentially added another folder level but the location of the .CSS file has not changed. Looking at each index.html file, its still pointing to the correct .CSS location. I've tried to update the index.html file to add the additional folder, but its still not connecting

For the 2nd suggestion: if there are 10 folders with their own index.html file, would I copy the .CSS file to each folder?