Custom Storytemplate with QB: Replace Questions via TXT Import Breaks Connection to Results Slide

Apr 04, 2022

Background: Historically we have used a starter *.story file with fake questions, triggers set up, player set to always resume in order to report properly for us in Cornerstone (CSOD). We have used multiple triggers to ensure that both passing and failing scores were marked as completed in the LMS. (Don’t ask, this is a CSOD quirk.) We would then import replacement questions via a TXT file. This has always worked well and saved a lot of time.

New Requirement: We needed another starter file which handled random draws from a question bank, unlimited tries with a Retake button, and feedback on each answer option. I created a new *.story file with everything set up properly. You could import new questions into the question bank that replaced the old questions but in Preview mode you would never reach the Results slide (spinning icon). The link to the Results broke somehow. Instead of using our importing method we have had to go back to manually editing each question in the question bank.

Has anyone experimented with this? I’ve tried the new setup also using a custom *.storytemplate but the Results slide is still no longer working properly.


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