7 Replies
Katie Riggio

Happy first post, Marco!

Great call to reach out to the community for help on designing this. They're a wonderful resource, and I'm excited to see the possibilities! 

For now, here are two related posts that could help:


Hello Katie,

This is my first post too :-)

i'm looking for the the same thing as Marco. I've tested your first solution. Does it work anymore  ?

The tutorial say's to replace a file named "app.min.js" who doesn't  exist when i publish their storyLine sample. 

Otherwise on Chrome, the sample generates a javaScript error (see attachment)

i saw this post who says this file doesn't exist anymore in Storyline.
Can you confirm this ?
is there a replacement solution ?

Thank's for your answer


P.S. : i don't publish in Scorm mode

Matthew Bartoli

If you are comfortable with editing code in the exported files, you can also do the following...


Search the ds-slides.min.js file for parseBlocks,i=DS,r=i._,s=i.utils (this file is minified, so make sure no spaces in the search term.  Then look just before for var e= and insert _c=DS.appState; before the var keyword.  So for example you will see this (the numbers in parenthesis may vary) var e=f(50),n=f(16).parseBlocks,i=DS,r=i._,s=i.utils and you will change it to _c=DS.appState;var e=f(50),n=f(16).parseBlocks,i=DS,r=i._,s=i.utils  

You can then adjust the volume from within Storyline using a javascript trigger and calling _c.setVolume(number from 0 to 1).