Javascript scrollIntoView not working correctly

Jun 21, 2023

Hi so I'm trying to recreate this:

I've changed the javascript to all be on one line but regardless it doesn't work correctly like it does in the video and I don't understand why. It just somewhat scrolls down not even to the objects that it supposed to.

The thing is that when I execute the script in the console while having the published file open it works correctly. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? I've attached my storyline file for reference.



My issue ended up being that the buttons that you click cannot be in the scroll box they have to be outside/floating on top of it otherwise the script won't work properly.

4 Replies
Zachary Mehalick

If you scroll down further in the scroll box you'll see that there's similarly colored boxes that have the requisite "Alternate Text". The colored boxes at the top should scroll to each one of the similar color below. Otherwise the published file wouldn't have them doing anything at all rather than just slightly scrolling downwards.