Problem with Results slides using one quiz pool for two quizzes

Aug 09, 2022

Hi There,

I have been going around and around on this.  Results slides seem to be very finicky and so do quiz pools.

I have one quiz pool, but I am taking 2 different draws.

At the beginning the learner selects a branch and depending on that branch they get a specific draw from that pool and then its own results slide.

Out of 23 questions - one draw pulls 20 random questions. Questions are 5 points a piece. Quiz setting only score based on what they have viewed.

The other draw pulls 19 specific questions - same points and quiz settings.

For the second draw - it tallies up one fewer question - so if I  were to get all 19 questions correct - it only shows 18 in the Results1.ScorePoints. I have checked everything - can someone tell me what I am missing?

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