Publishing to our Intranet (SharePoint)

Sep 18, 2013

Hi everyone

I have recently purchased Articulate Storyline (which I love) however I am trying to publish content to our intranet which is a SharePoint site.  When I had Articulate Studio, I published using the web option which produced a player.html file which our guys used to upload the content.  I have repeated this operation in Articulate Storyline but can't see a player.html file.  Am I going mad or is there something different I should be doing in Storyline?  Any help anyone can give would be much appreciated.



62 Replies
Brett Rockwood

You're not going mad. Storyline creates a "story.html" file that is used to launch the module instead of a player.html file. Just upload everything like you did with Articulate Studio, i.e. all of the output folders and files into a single SharePoint directory, and link the story.html to launch.

Shalla Rogers

Brett Rockwood said:

You're not going mad. Storyline creates a "story.html" file that is used to launch the module instead of a player.html file. Just upload everything like you did with Articulate Studio, i.e. all of the output folders and files into a single SharePoint directory, and link the story.html to launch.

Hi all, I'm having the same problem, kinda new to Storyline and was wondering if you can you be more specific when you say 'link the story.html to launch'? I've attempted to load the files to the SharePoint and it either loads the individually or with the zip? Thanks

Christine Hendrickson

Hi Shalla and welcome to the community!

If I'm understanding correctly (I don't personally use SharePoint, but I believe the structure for files is similar), you need to upload all of your content to the server and then find the story.html file that's been uploaded. Find the URL for that specific file and share it with others. They should be able to enter that URL into their web browser and access the course using that link. 

I'm afraid I'm not able to share any screenshots or walk you through the process for copying/finding the URL - if you're unable to find it, hopefully the original posters here can help :) 

Thanks and good luck, Shalla!

Kelly  Anne

Quick thought, just be careful when you're grabbing that URL for the specific story.html file you don't accidentally copy a network drive in the folder address...for example, it should NOT say the first part of the URL is a single letter like Z://. The files may be located on a shared networked drive that you named, "Z", but you need the stand alone URL for it to correctly link, (hope that makes sense).


Shalla Rogers said:

.Hi all, I'm having the same problem, kinda new to Storyline and was wondering if you can you be more specific when you say 'link the story.html to launch'? I've attempted to load the files to the SharePoint and it either loads the individually or with the zip? Thanks

Maybe this can help:

1) Create a document library (name it "Storyline" or something memorable)

2) Open that document library in Windows Explorer view

3) Copy all of the Storyline files and folders from your PC into that document library.

4) Right-click on the story.html file in the document library to get the link

5) On your Sharepoint page, add a new web part, "Page Viewer Web Part". In the tool pane, you paste the link to your story.html file. If you're proficient in HTML, you could also embed the code in a Content Editor Web Part

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joshua,

I'm unsure which link you're trying to download - one shared here earlier in the thread or the link to your course itself? I'm not incredibly familiar with Sharepoint, but if you could share a bit more information here that would be helpful in terms of pointing you in the right direction of having someone from the community assist.

Nadia Morgen

Hi Leslie,

This method worked for me on SharePoint Foundation 2010, but my org recently moved to SharePoint Foundation 2013.  Now, when I click the link to the story.html file, SharePoint asks me if I want to save the file.  Before it just opened the presentation and all ran smoothly.  Thoughts?

Nadia Morgen

Hi Ashley,

I have reached out to them also, and am waiting to hear. People in this community have helped out before, so I was hoping someone would know something. Unfortunately, Microsofties often know little about non-Microsoft products, and SharePoint experts know little (if anything) about eLearning.

So far, it appears to be a security issue, which is bad news.

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Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Nadia,

Please keep us posted on what you hear back from them, as you mentioned there are a number of users in the community who access their courses on SharePoint.

Also just an FYI replying via email includes your signature here and you're welcome to edit the post to update and remove the information. 


I've always been most successful using SharePoint Designer for publishing. I drop everything into a folder and use an XML page template. The XML page acts as a container for the StoryLine HTML page. It's kind of like Russian dolls with the story file in the html page in the xml page but everything seems to work fine. I'm so used to doing this all within designer that I am not sure how you would accomplish the same thing without it. Maybe somebody else does.

Owen Holt
Organizational Change Management & Training Consultant
Dell | Business Architecture Team Program Office
office +1 512 724 4931, mobile +1 512 517 4032


Thanks Ashley,

I left the signature in my response on purpose. :)

Also, I sent that response this morning, but I guess my email box was full and not sending anything. Glad the issue was resolved.

Owen Holt
Organizational Change Management & Training Consultant
Dell | Business Architecture Team Program Office
office +1 512 724 4931, mobile +1 512 517 4032