Tracking Completion of a video and triggering an action using a cue point

Mar 08, 2022

Hi there
I have a project in SL360 with a menue to access 5 videos.
Each video has one cue point some seconds before the video ends. When the video passes this stamp, its "completion" is set to true. Immediately after, I have an action to check for the completion of all videos, and if true, communicate the completion of the course (as "Abgeschlossen/Bestanden"). For some reason, this does not seem to work reliably, some of the users closing the training do not get a completion status, when restarting the program, the get back to where they left, and when jumping to the menu, the video is not checked as "done". Any idea?
Thanks a lot


6 Replies
Marcel Reinert

Hi Reto, can give a try on variables. Set to the course a variable (maybe called video check) with the value "0". Instead of set "completion = true" for every video, set a trigger to "add 1" to the variable "video check" and do this for every video. Build a new slide with some text as a conclusion and maybe a button to close the course. Go back to the menu slide and add a button "Next" with the state "hide". Set a button trigger to move on to the conclusion slide when the user click.

Now set up a trigger to the menu slide to change the state of the "Next"-button to "normal" when the variable has the value "5". Before you export set up the passed trigger to the conclusion slide. Means, the LMS set up the passed value only when the users are on the last slide - where you will get only if you clicked the Next-button that appears only if the variable has the value 5, which happens only if all videos have been viewed. :)

Reto Schilliger

Hi Marcel,

thank you very much for your comprehensive answer. Unfortunately, I cannot add an additional slide. In addition, navigation in the course shall be free. Therefore, I would also need a further variable on each video-slide, to check whether "1" was already added to the counter. 
The strange thing is, that when I go back to the menu with a completed video, it will be correctly marked as completed. It is only when I leave the program on the video-screen, that the status will not be saved. Strange ...