Video synchronisation with timeline objects eg buttons VS buffering issues.

Mar 23, 2022


Is there a way of forcing a timeline video object  to stay in synch with the other  timeline objects, even when buffering during playback? i.e. to pause timeline playback whilst the video downloads?

I have a video within the timeline and some invisible buttons on top. They appear at certain times and the user must click on them to identify certain hazards that appear  in the video in the areas where the buttons are. This works great when there is a good internet connection. But if the video starts to buffer, it can go out of synch with the timeline and go out of synch with the buttons. 

Any guidance welcome! Thanks

3 Replies
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Daniel.

Thank you for reaching out!

I'm looking forward to the recommendations our community members will give you for working specifically with videos and synchronized objects on the timeline. In the meantime, I wanted to share an article that I believe might offer some helpful design suggestions for working with low bandwidth: