Forum Discussion

JeniJohnson-41f's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Help with learner marking activity

Hello all!

I am working on a nursing course and have an idea for a documentation activity, but I'm unsure how to execute it. 

I need learners to be able to mark a spot on the body chart with an X (see image). Because the activity is about determining which part of the body to mark, I'd like the learner to decide (rather than having a few pre-selected options). I'm unsure how to create the ability to click anywhere and have the X appear where the learner has clicked. 


    • JeniJohnson-41f's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Phil, 

      Hotspots aren't accessible are they? I'm not sure how to make an activity using hotspots that would be able to tell where the user clicked to put an X. My goal was to have the user have free choice of where to click. 

  • Ange's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Jeni,  Tough to say without knowing the whole of the process you envision.  Is this a quiz? Is there only one correct area for each question, etc.? btw: Hotspots are just invisible buttons. You could use shapes/buttons instead.

    Check out this post, it may give you some ideas for a resolve:

    p.s.: If possible, uploading a story file is helpful, and could garner more responses.