Want a super cool click to reveal quiz template and also learn how it was built?

Jan 18, 2023

Hello Everyone,

We recently launched a new course related to workplace safety, we call it "Slips and Trips" and there was one page, which we really liked, so we took it out and created a separate template out of it, and you can have it today :). What is even cooler, we also thought it would be cool to explain how it was built so we made a youtube video about it. 

Slips and Trips template screenshot

Download template here: https://fastercourse.com/download/free-articulate-storyline-template-slips-and-trips-explanatory-video/

Youtube video on how it was made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbsY4Mdzq2I

Original course, from where we took it: https://fastercourse.com/slips-and-trips-course-template/

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