Forum Discussion
Access to view all Rise templates and real content without an Articulate 360 login
Hi all
I am trying to maintain a list of real content available on Rise, which is somewhat challenging. I have raised a separate feature request regarding a downloadable list of these...
In the meantime, is there a way that colleagues, who do not have an Articulate login, can search for and view all templates and real content available, either with the examples or with just title and description?
There are too many potential colleagues to ask to create a login for occasional searching but it would save significant time for me whilst awaiting for a feature request that may never come to life.
Many thanks and very hopefully 🤞
- FluentBitCommunity Member
You need an Articulate 360 login to access Rise templates and content. Options include a 30-day free trial, collaborating with a subscriber, or searching for shared examples online. Full access requires a subscription.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Here's the page that lists the Real Content Templates:
Rise 360: Use Real Content Templates | Articulate - Community