Forum Discussion

DanielBolia-eb2's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Accessible Feedback Master slide layers background reverts to a solid fill of #000000 and 20% transparency.

The default slide background of an "Accessible Feedback Master" slide layer is reverting to a solid fill of #000000 and 20% transparency, each time a new quiz question slide is created. How can I make a permanent change to the slide background so that it's not a solid fill of #000000 and 20% transparency, each time a new quiz slide in created?

    • DanielBolia-eb2's avatar
      Community Member

      I was able to find the Articulate reference that described this, Storyline 360: Dialog Layers - Articulate Support. Apparently it's a normal behavior for dialog layers. When a dialog layer doesn't have a background color fill or has a background fill that isn't a color, Storyline 360 covers the course with a semi-transparent dark gray overlay. The fix is to use add your own overlay and adjust the transparency to the desired level.

      • PhilMayor's avatar
        Super Hero

        That is probably because they now set as a dialogue layer can you change it in the master