Forum Discussion
Animation in Storyline through the Morph Transition
Some time ago, PowerPoint came out with a transition called Morph that literally morphs shapes, colors, strokes, graphics, etc. from one slide to the next. In other words, if you build a design on one slide, duplicate the slide, and make changes to the shapes on the second slide, the Morph transition will smoothly deform the shapes from the first slide to the next.
This transition is POWERFUL for animation. I feel that small animations of this kind are especially important for a product like Storyline. In a sense, the ability to build animations is one of the key features that I feel is missing from Storyline. If Articulate would consider adding the Morph transition to Storyline, it would allow users to animate the graphics on the screen with triggers, and I believe that would open up new worlds of possibility with Storyline.
Is this something you all would consider adding to Storyline?
- TinaDean-6681e4Community Member
Jim, I have extensive experience with iSpring. I understand why you're making the comment, but there's still a lot you can do with Storyline which is very labour intensive to replicate with iSpring.
I agree that not supporting the Morph feature is frustrating and reduces the usability of Storyline, but I guess I'm just saying: don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
- ChrisRagasaCommunity Member
Any updates on morphing in Articulate Storyline yet?
- LesaMoore-b1f22Community Member
If not with Storyline.. at least with Studio 360. iSpring has the ability to use morph in what is their version of Studio/Presenter. Phase 1 could be to support morph via Studio 360 and Phase 2 could be to support morph in Storyline.
- SanduniFernandoCommunity Member
- CarinaFleiss014Community Member
hey there any news about the morph transition? i really need it!
please make it possible for us users! thanks
- NesJonesCommunity Member
- MauricioVent456Community Member
Adding my vote here. I also sent this request to the development team as part of the beta testing group - fingers crossed as this could save 100s of hours every year.
- LesaMoore-b1f22Community Member
If we can just get added to artculate studio that would be super helpful. iSpring has it... so it is more than possible!
Lesa Moore
Sr. Talent Development Manager
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- PatrickMannion-Community Member
I was first introduced to Articulate about 5 years ago, right when the Morph transition was first being implemented in PowerPoint. My job's path took us away from Storyline and only now (new job) am I finding the need to work in it. And here I am, on my very first project using Storyline, I really want to utilize the Morph transition. And it's 5 years later, and apparently no, they never acted on it. They either can't, or won't. Shame, as the Morph transition (from a quick animation standpoint) gives the user a LOT of bang for the buck—quickly.
- AidanHoyal-582dCommunity Member
Please add me as a vote for bringing morph into Storyline!
- PatrickMannion-Community Member
I’d like to see an Articulate company response as to WHY this support has not been added. Too costly? Not possible? Don’t think enough people want or need it?
It’s kind of a big deal.
- KimberlyBourneCommunity Member
I would also love to know as well. I've wondered if it was a patent
thing? But it would be awesome to hear from Articulate if this is the case
or another explanation. Fingers crossed we'll hear from them soon.
I appreciate everyone sharing how there is still a need for the Morph transition in Storyline 360! Right now, we are prioritizing other feature requests, so I don't have a timeline to share. When we have more information to share, I'll report back to this discussion.
Head over here to check out which features we are preparing to release soon!
- PatrickMannion-Community Member
Five years it’s been