Forum Discussion

DeLoraReardon's avatar
Community Member
8 years ago

Articulate 360 Peek Window issues

I apologize is this is covered elsewhere, but I didn't see it if it is. I have dual monitors because I find it easier to develop that way (pull up material in Word on one screen, copy into Storyline on the other). The Peek screen recorder seems to be a bit confused by that. When I try to record something, the "window" that shows up is about four inches from the screen I choose.

For example, if I choose "full screen" of the monitor on my left, it puts the red box mostly in the middle of the two monitors instead of fully over the left side. I am posting a screen shot of where the window goes on this page for an example (attached). The weird thing is that it will record the screen as if it is in the proper place (though does record the line of record box itself). If I move it with the move crosshairs to cover the window fully over the where I want it, it does not record correctly (it acts offcenter). I've tried playing with various things in Properties to see if it is a "compatability" thing, but haven't found an answer yet. Anyone have any ideas?

  • Hi - 7 years later and it looks like this problem still exists, needing to disconnect from external monitors for the video to not be offset. Could you please resolve this bug?

  • I am frankly astsonished that this issue still remains 7 years later. Articulate - you are letting down your users by not trying to fix things. Yeah yeah yeah I read what you say - that bugs are fixed according to priority. But this has been going on for over 7 years and you have done NOTHING about it. That is treating your customers with total disrespect. I have not actually ever used Peek until today. I have now spent all afternoon recording videos only to discover that they only recorded about one quarter of my screen. Like others I work on a laptop. It has a high resolution screen which is too small for my eyes to see, so I set it to 200% zoom. I also use a 2nd monitor. I read the previous issues on this and thought I had done what was recommended (I disconnected the external monitor, and I set my zoom back to 100%. I then recorded my videos only to discover hours later that they only recorded the top left corner of the screern. I then changed the desctop resolution to 1920x1080 and although the full screen is recorded, it is shrunk down to a quarter of the final video window. You have wasted 4 hours of my time because you simply cannot bothered to fix a tool. Please get this fixed or do not even add it to your suite of tools. Frankly it is not fit for purpose, and for over 7 years you have done nothing to fix it. Totally shameful Articulate.