Forum Discussion

GrahamFox's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Articulate iPAD App + Storyline = Freezing?

Anyone else experiencing this? I have the latest version of the app and of storyline installed. When I published for the iPad and then go to view my course there, everything work fine for a while. Then, the app (or course?) will get to a slide and all of a sudden nothing works. The animations on screen seem to still be working, but the whole app freezes up. I can't go back to the library, none of the on screen buttons work, I can't even reset the app without going back and clicking the original link to launch the course again.

I've had this happen twice now and it seems to get stuck on the same slide every time so it's not random. When I republished the first sticking place started working and a new one appeared. The slides the app freezes up on had nothing unusual going on, no variables, no state changes, just a button to click on screen to go to the next slide.

Anyone got any hints or experienced the same thing? I don't think I can advertise my eLearning as ipad compatible until I figure out the problem.

  • I am having similar issues on my iPad (iOS 8.3).  I also tested this on another iPad with this OS and it's the same behavior. 

    Behavior is:  When I publish my story, it gets to a specific slide, I click next to continue and everything freezes. I can't click anything on the player or the slide.  I have to click on Library to exit out and start the module again from either the Articulate Online Player library or a link to the module on A-Online.

    I tried to delete the slide and also tried to delete the entire scene, then recreate it (just in case it was a corrupt file) and no success.

    I do not have any long file names, I am working and publishing locally.  I am doing my final publish to Articulate Online.

    I am using the latest version of Storyline 1 and testing on the latest iOS for iPad.

    The module runs fine on PC and does not freeze.  Only on iPad.  I cannot share the module for you to view due to IP and NDA.

    Any ideas?  Need to fix asap as module is published and live.  I did notice a similar behavior on my colleagues iPad but for another slide in the module.  Seems there are a lot of posts about this issue.  Hope to find a solution fast!




  • Hi Patricia! 

    Would you be able to share your .story file with us here to take a look at?

    Also, please let us know the questionable freezing slide.

  • 9 years since this issue. 
    iPad Freezes Randomly

    I am developing an iPad game. (April 2022) I have the latest updates for storyline and web browsers. It works pretty fine on Win and OS. Running on iOS (iPhone & iPad) it freezes after a couple of minutes.

    It is rare that switching between apps and getting back to the course, sometimes it runs back.

    I tried the following without success:
    - Equipment Restarting
    - Software Updating
    - Deleting Javascript inside the course
    - Deleting Music inside the course
    - Tested inside Articulate Review, Web, & LMS

    Still do not know where the bug is.