Articulate Review - Wishlist Item - Limit Reviewers
I've tried searching through the discussions and don't see this popping up anywhere. We're liking using Review, however we have a concern about how "open" it is.
We have projects that include sensitive information or other situations where we want to limit who the reviewers are. It would be great if we could require a login with email and password in order to review a course so that only the desired reviewers can review and comment.
As it works today, we could have a SME decide that 5 more people on their team need to review and comment on the course, forward the link and password and suddenly we have an ever growing circle of reviewers. When trying to manage a project of the scale we sometimes deal with that can be problematic.
All I would like to see is the ability to enter a list of emails and only those individuals have access to the review.