Forum Discussion
10 years agoPartner
Articulate Storyline: Export to Google Drive
On the Articulate user days in Utrecht (2015), we held a session about exporting Articulate Storyline variables to Google Drive (Spreadsheet). This export is achieved via...
10 years agoCommunity Member
Does anyone know if you can have have multiple posts to spreadsheets in one storyline file. For example if i want to post the data from one set of variables to Spreadsheet A and a survey at the to Spreadsheet B... so that survey results would be anonymous.
10 years agoPartner
Hi Mark,
You can! In the above example you'll see a reference to the Google Spreadsheet in the JavaScript code in Storyline.
So you can use this same code on another slide of your project and change the reference to Spreadsheet B. And then you maybe will need to adjust the variables.
But it's definitely possible!
Best regards,