Forum Discussion

KelseyZimmerman's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Articulate Storyline: Survey/Multiple Response

Hi All, 

I am hoping for a solution to what I am trying to achieve which I think can be done through a Survey or a Graded Question.  Here is my ask: 

I have a stakeholder that wants to track completion with several on the job activities.

There are four activities we are asking the learners to do on the job and they need to have done 3 out of the 4 and record them as they complete to be "certified". However they have multiple options to complete, for example one of the questions reads like: 

I have engaged with the workshop on Communication:

  • Via the live session
  • Via the pre recorded session


I tried a survey for these types of questions as there is no one "right answer" but it is providing a "results" slide regardless of Quiz pass percent that I put. I I also tried adding a layer on the results slide that tells them they aren't done at a less than pass percent trigger. Any suggestions?

  • Hi Kelsey,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Your requirement might be possible using variables and the Complete Course trigger,  but we'll need to see how your course is set up to be sure. 

    My initial thought would be to utilize a numerical variable to count the number of completion events that have been completed and then fire the complete course trigger when this variable reaches the value of 3. We'll need to test your file to see where everything falls into place!

    If you're willing, please share a copy of your project file here so we can share design recommendations that you can check out.

  • Hi, 

    Yes here is a very rudimentary version. I did try to use counting variables but ran into a few issues that I didn't know how to solve.

    • Turning on the results slides made all answers required when I want the learners to be able to navigate back and forth as they complete various activities. 
      • User must answer overwriting my slide layer trigger.
    • I think I messed up the counting because it's showing the complete slide layer whether or not they have clicked the appropriate number of variables. (does it matter how many times they clicked the same variable?) 

    Thank you, this is my first time using the counting variable so I am pretty confused.


  • Okay I think I may have it working a bit better but I am still having issues with a "results" slide option to provide a certificate if the appropriate number of tasks have been completed. Also it seems to be counting however many times a user clicks in total vs what they selected.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Kelsey,

      Happy to help!

      I took a look at your project file and here are my observations: 

      • Some variables have values set to a specific number, while others have values added by 1.
      • Your Results Slide lightboxes a certificate slide at the end of the course, and this is where the certificate is printed.

      Can you let me know which specific variable is having issues with counting? And which values of your variables should be present to make the certificate printing available? 

  • Hi,

    • That is correct, I think there is one question on there that is "complete" and "not complete" where complete is the only correct answer (?)
    • Correct!

    Yes so the specifications for each question is listed at the slide-level and the desired certification level is 80% completion. Basically, the certification page doesn't seem to be compiling correctly. Is there specific information that would be helpful to give you to help troubleshoot?

    In addition, several slides seem to be counting total number of clicks to one target, when it should only be counting the click once, is there a way to limit this? (Slide 5) they also have those variable numbers showing next to the text, is there a way to remove that?


    Thank you!

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Kelsey,

      Since the ADDTVARIABLE variable is responsible for tracking the number of activities that your learner has interacted with, you can move the trigger that adds a value of 1 to the trigger that submits your learner response so that the value only gets added once regardless of how many times your learners click on the tick boxes. 

      You can apply the same logic on Slides 2 - 4 and by the time your learners reach the Results Slide, the variable ADDTVARIABLE should have a maximum value of 4 if your learners click on 'Record Activity' 4 times, and a minimum value of 0 if your learners decide to skill all 4 activities.

      • KelseyZimmerman's avatar
        Community Member

        Okay, so do I need to use the same variable for all of the slides then (ADDVARIABLE)? Right now I have separate variables for each activity. 

        Also, in that capacity do I just create a custom results slides to show layers based on the variable count or can I use the pre-made one still?


  • So I think I worked through this by building a custom result slide and not setting these up as any question type but simply a variable count. 


    The only downside is that the stakeholder would like item-level information *what the user selected on each activity*. Is there a way to achieve that?

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Kelsey,

      Great idea to open a case as well! I see you've connected with my teammate, Jan, who shared an article to report the value of any variable to an LMS/LRS. You're in good hands working one-on-one with him. If you have follow-up questions, feel free to reply to Jan's email.