Forum Discussion

MartinBrown-75e's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Audio to turn on and off by choice - can the changes happen on the slide?


At the beginning of the Storyline project I am working on, the User has an option to listen to the Audio or not by selecting the appropriate icon.

The User can also change their mind as they go through the module, again by selecting the appropriate icon.

At this moment in time, the changes will only occur on the following slide after the User has selected the other icon.

Is there a way for changes to happen whilst on the slide, once they select the icon?

I have attached a few slides to show you what I mean.

I look forward to your responses :)




  • Hi Martin,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue with your slide audio. I see that you’ve reached out to our Support Engineers and are working with my teammate, Philam. You’re in great hands! We’ll continue the conversation in your support case.