Forum Discussion

nyana's avatar
Community Member
2 months ago

Configuring Attempts and Feedback for Multiple Choice Questions



I’m designing an activity using Articulate Storyline, and I need assistance with setting up a specific scenario for multiple-choice or multiple-response questions.

Here’s what I aim to achieve: In a quiz, I want to give students 3 attempts to answer each question. If a student fails to answer correctly on the 3rd attempt, I want to display "Try Again" and "Show Answers" options.

  • During the first 3 attempts, only the "Try Again" option should be available, while the "Show Answers" option remains inaccessible.
  • After the 3rd attempt, the student should have unlimited tries or use the "Show Answers" option to see the correct response and move on to the next question.

Could you please guide me on how to set this up in Storyline? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

how to add storyline project file?

  • nyana's avatar
    2 months ago

    thanks for reply i am using and solved my problem.

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    It doesn't appear that you are using the built-in question slides - or perhaps you are, and I do not have a strong grasp of the language.

    The built-in slides have three layers: 

    • Base layer (the question)
    • Correct layer (shows when the correct answer is selected)
    • Incorrect layer (shows when the incorrect answers are selected)

    The incorrect layer will also show a "try again" button if you configure the question for multiple attempts - you said you want to present 3 attempts, so in the question configuration, you simply set that value to "3."

    It also looks like you are using a "multiple response" question, not "multiple choice" - in a multiple response question, more than one answer is correct, and must be selected in order to pass the question. In a multiple choice question, there is one correct answer from the set of available choices.

    Try using the built-in question instead, and that should help you.

  • As I understand it, you want the user to have unlimited attempts to answer each question on their own. However, you also want them to be able to see the answers and move on after 3 attempts. 

    If you set the question's Attempts to "Unlimited," the Try Again layer will show whenever the user submits an incorrect response. 

    To track the number of attempts, do this for each question: 

    Create a number variable with a default value of 1.

    • Note: You need to use a unique variable for each question. Or, if you use the same variable, you'll need triggers to reset the variable to 1 when the user begins each question slide.


    Do this on the Try Again layer:

    • Add a trigger to the Try Again button that adds 1 to the number variable. 
    • Add a Show Answers button, and give it an initial state of Hidden. 
    • Add a trigger that changes the Show Answers button to Normal when the timeline of the layer starts with the condition that the variable is equal to or greater than 3. 


    There are various ways to "Show Answers." For example, that button could reveal arrows or other highlighting on the base that points out the correct answers. Or that button could actually change the states of the responses so that the correct answer is selected. 

    It’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s more information:

  • nyana's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you. I think your last comment will help me. Yes, I use a multiple answer question type. I have provided my own sample project file in the attachment. If you edit it the way I want, I will learn and see it. It will guide me. Thank you for your answer.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      My previous reply has explicit instructions for how to track attempts and only reveal a "Show Answers" button after 3 attempts. 

      It also suggests ways to show the answers. The decision on how to do that depends on your preferences for programming and design. So I suggest that you try to get the slide working the way you want it.

      Here's another option to consider: Instead of using a "Show Again" button, simply provide more detailed feedback after 3 attempts. That could be telling the user the correct answers.

      This post has more info about changing the feedback based on the number of attempts. It also has a demo file for guidance: TIP: Give Different "Try Again" Feedback After the 2nd Attempt | Articulate - Community 

      • Note: The demo file is programmed a bit differently than the instructions I provided above. It starts with the Attempts variable at 0. A trigger adds 1 to that variable when the user clicks the Submit button. Either way to calculate the attempts will work. 
      • nyana's avatar
        Community Member

        thanks for reply i am using and solved my problem.