Forum Discussion
Configuring Attempts and Feedback for Multiple Choice Questions
- 2 months ago
thanks for reply i am using and solved my problem.
As I understand it, you want the user to have unlimited attempts to answer each question on their own. However, you also want them to be able to see the answers and move on after 3 attempts.
If you set the question's Attempts to "Unlimited," the Try Again layer will show whenever the user submits an incorrect response.
To track the number of attempts, do this for each question:
Create a number variable with a default value of 1.
- Note: You need to use a unique variable for each question. Or, if you use the same variable, you'll need triggers to reset the variable to 1 when the user begins each question slide.
Do this on the Try Again layer:
- Add a trigger to the Try Again button that adds 1 to the number variable.
- Add a Show Answers button, and give it an initial state of Hidden.
- Add a trigger that changes the Show Answers button to Normal when the timeline of the layer starts with the condition that the variable is equal to or greater than 3.
There are various ways to "Show Answers." For example, that button could reveal arrows or other highlighting on the base that points out the correct answers. Or that button could actually change the states of the responses so that the correct answer is selected.
It’s worth the effort to learn about variables and trigger conditions, because they provide the real power in Storyline. Here’s more information:
- This post provides an overview of variables. It also links to numerous resources. The Value of Variables | Articulate - Community
- The User Guide section about triggers includes info about conditions. Storyline 360: Working with Triggers | Articulate - Community