Forum Discussion

JohnHunter-44d6's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Auto deselect of answer choice on freeform pick one.

I want my user to be able to pick an answer on a freeform pick one slide and then be able to change their answer and automatically deselect the previous answer BEFORE they click on SUBMIT. I am trying to minimize excessive triggers or programming. I also want to avoid directive text such as "Be sure to deselect your answer if you change your mind."

I have tried buttons, pick many free form, pictures and other suggestions in other forums.

Any help would be appreciated. I am using Articulate 360 on local desktop.

  • Typically, a Pick One question automatically deselects a response when another response is Selected

    The problem with your question is that each answer is a Group. While individual items within a Group can have multiple states, a Group itself has no state. Thus, the program can't deselect a Group. 

    In the attached file, I pasted the lettered circles directly into the states of the rectangles. Thus, each response is only one object, and the program can deselect a response when another is Selected.

  • Thank you so much! I have spent DAYS trying to figure this out. I did not think about the GROUP issue.

    • JudyNollet's avatar
      Super Hero

      FYI: Groups are useful when you want a bunch of objects to smoothly animate onto the screen. However, they are (to put it politely) "quirky" when used in interactions. That's why I promote what I call "introverted programming"— that is, avoiding Groups.

      This link goes to a presentation I did a few years ago with Storyline tips and tricks. My segment about avoiding Groups starts at approximately 38:45 in the video.