Forum Discussion

SteveNixon-af38's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Awards submissions

Does anyone know of any current eLearning competitions that are running? I have some work I'd like to submit.

Best, Steve

  • Hi Steve, if your work relates to a specific industry you could look to see if there are any industry-specific competitions you could enter.

    • SteveNixon-af38's avatar
      Community Member

      Cheers David. Good idea.

      Best, Steve

      Steve Nixon
      Senior Instructional Designer

      D C * I N S T I T U T E
      Furthering Excellence in Dentistry

  • DanielBrigham's avatar
    Community Member

    Another idea: not sure if you are heading to DevLearn or Learning Solutions next year, but if you are, you could show your work during demofest and possibly win the "best of demo fest."

    Articulate has a Storyline guru competition every so often as well. Not sure when the next one is planned, though. 

  • Hi Steve! Here is hoping Articulate runs another Guru contest soon. I have something really cool that I want to enter.

  • Thanks all for the replies! Hey Nancy, great to hear from you. I'll be looking forward to seeing it. I was in CP world for about 6 years and I've just been using SL for about a year now and loving it. I had used it about 6 years prior but was pleasantly surprised at how it had developed since then. It's really an amazing creative tool. A lot easier than our 'make it out of flash' days :-) You remember those?

    Best, Steve

    • NancyWoinoski's avatar
      Super Hero

      I do remember those days. We created some great stuff with Flash.  I especially remember that Flash conference in SF.

  • UshwinPai's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi guys - competitions are great - I hope they happen again. But is there a way to submit a template to be hosted here so others can use them? I have some great games that could be shared.

  • BWoods's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Ushwin. It's great to hear you've got some useful templates you want to share!

    The fastest way to share a template with the community here on E-Learning Heroes is to create a new discussion post and add it as an attachment. The post also gives you an opportunity to explain how the template works and even share tips for making similar projects.

    Related to that, the discussion boards are one of the ways our team curates new templates for the Downloads page as well. So a post can also get your template on our radar.