Forum Discussion

AlisonCoops-38f's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Background audio either keeps going or ends abruptly

Hello, I've added background audio to a short module. (love it!) Fade tracks in and out is checked. Loop playlist, lower background audio, and pause background audio are not checked. At first my background audio was longer than the module and the music kept playing after everything else was done. I tried a trigger to stop it, but that was an abrupt stop. So I tried making the audio track exactly the same length as content. The music kept playing. Thinking I may have miscalculated, I shortened the audio track by 1 second, now it stops abruptly 1 second before the rest. Thoughts?

  • Hi Alison,

    Happy to help!

    You can achieve the fade effect and control exactly when your background audio ends using slide triggers. In the screenshot below, I used triggers to gradually decrease the volume of the background audio using the Player.BackgroundAudioVolume variable.


    You can use a similar approach to slowly bring the volume of your background audio down to 0 just before the timeline ends. I've added a sample project file so you can see this solution in action. 

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • So if there's only one track in the background audio, there's no built-in way to have it fade out at the end of the course, right? And the trigger I use is Adjust variable. Thank you! 

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Alison,

      I am happy to chime in. You are correct. There is currently no built-in way to have the background audio fade out at the end of the course. The "Fade out" feature that's available now works when at least two audio tracks are in your playlist.

      If you'd like to see changes in the background audio feature, feel free to submit a feature request to our product team here. We can also help you submit one. You may respond here with a description of how the new feature will benefit you and your organization, and we'd be happy to inform our product team!

  • Triggering the adjust variable worked when I published it as a course. Then I wanted to publish it as a video. Not only did the background audio not fade out at the end, it doesn't abide by the "Lower background audio volume when slide audio plays."

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Alison, 

      When you publish a course in video format, Player elements are not included in the published output. This includes any elements referenced by the "Player.BackgroundAudioVolume" variable, which is what's used in this solution to make the workaround work. You'll need to use a different publishing format to use any solution that references player elements.