Forum Discussion

TammyHardin-657's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Best Method for Sequence

I am just starting a training for a machine operators, and I am stuck in the research loop!

For an activity, I would like to use an actual photo/video from inside of a machine and have the learner choose the correct buttons in the photo/video in the proper sequence.  I am not sure as to which program or process is the best way to go about doing this.  Using a video with the 360 or still photos with hotspots in Storyline?  Or, is there another program or anything else I should consider?  Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    I would use whichever simulated experience is likely to be more effective for the learners. In this case, it probably would be the still photos and then overlay hotspots to capture activity.

    But you could easily follow that up with a video example for a knowledge check, and have the learners put a series of actions/tasks into the correct sequence...

    Good luck!