Forum Discussion

NicoleKaczmarek's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Building a course that is all activities- the Application level of Bloom's Taxonomy

Hi there. Looking to create a course that is continuing learning. It is after the foundational courses that teach about our products. This course is being converted from a live webinar to online self paced course. The course is really all activities not much straight forward content and is around the conversation of the sale and the questions we need to ask the customer to find needs. I am doing vyond to set up the scenario and thought at least for one could have a question after that is check all that apply for what questions we can ask the customer. But that is all i can think of so far. Anyone have ideas of  creative activities that can be attached to each vyond scenario?

  • Christy Hernandez has the right idea. What is it you're asking your learners to do in real life with the information from your course? It sounds like they have to interview clients to understand the clients' needs.

    That implies that you should, in your course, have learners interview a variety of different clients to try to understand each client's needs.

    So that suggests a series of branching scenarios:

    This is Mary B., CEO of ABC Company. She's here to help you understand her company's needs. What's the first thing you ask her?

    - Hi Mary. Thanks for meeting with me. What's the biggest pain point you're currently experiencing?

    - Hi Mary. Thanks for meeting with me. What's your budget for a solution to your biggest problems?

    - Hi Mary. Thanks for meeting with me. How can I help you today?

    The learner chooses one of the three questions to ask, and then, depending on which one the learner selects, Mary responds and the learner is presented with another set of possible questions. And the scenario continues like this through a series of questions and answers until the learner has identified a concrete set of needs that Mary has expressed (or the learner fails to do this and that too is a teaching moment because you can then coach them about what they should have done or how they can do better next time).

    Then you follow this with more interviews with other clients at other companies who have other needs and other attitudes toward the learner.

    You're basically trying to give your learners the skills they need to handle different kinds of clients and still identify their needs.

    The course, in effect, is simulating the relevant aspects of the learners' jobs, and in response to their choices in the course, the course is able to give coaching and feedback advice about how to improve.

  • I appreciate so much your response. I started by having some of the conversation then a slide that is like a quiz slide with SElect all that apply. There are so many questions that sales can ask customers that it seems best to make it select all. I am not sure if on demand classes are able to pair learners but love the  the example. I like the idea of hotspots within the video!