Forum Discussion

NadineHoffman's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Building an assessment



I am hoping someone can help.

I have a client I am building an assessment for.  They have asked that if the learner chooses answer A they are directed to page 3, but if they choose answer b they are directed to page 4.  Each answer has a different number of points associated to it.  They would also like to use a submit button.  I am having some trouble figuring out the triggers and whether they go on the submit button or on the answers.  I hope this makes sense.  Are you able to help me?


  • Hi Nadine

    do you have a file started that you could share with us - might give someone a starting point to help you.

    What happens after they go to page x do they come back to the assessment or continue on another path?

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Nadine, as Wendy notes, having a file to see would be helpful.

    Absent that, you probably need to approach this situation with branching as one solution:

    • Q1: answer X --> page 3
    • Q1: answer Y-->  page 4 and so forth

    What I have done with a similar concept was to set conditions on the "submit" button that reflect variables on the answer choices. So for four answer options (W, X, Y, Z) there are four variables - T/F, with a default to "False." Selecting any of the answer options flips the variable to "True" and that's what the trigger on the "submit" button looks for: if "X" = True, go to slide whatever.

    Ultimately your story looks somewhat convoluted but it should track effectively. 

    When I did this, it was for a limited set of questions (like 10) that was only "answer A" and "answer B" choices. I would imagine that using this approach for four-answer questions would also work, but it will take some effort on your part.

  • NadineHoffman's avatar
    Community Member

    Thank you Joe and Wendy.  I have attached a sample of what I am working on.  It has 5 questions. In the first question I have included a submit button and tried to do what Joe suggested but I am not sure that I know what I am doing exactly.  Therefore there are no submit buttons set up on the other pages.

    The basic idea is that once the learner chooses their answer they will press the submit button and go to the slide according to their answer.  Each question will give them a designated number of points which will determine if they pass or need more learning.


    Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    Nadine, your example is correct. Nice work! (Two thumbs up!)

    Now you need to deal with the points assignment. In my similar module I didn't have to quantify anything. Here, you're likely going to have to use scoring variables (add "1", etc.) that are tied to each of the correct answers - at least, that's what I would do. So theoretically, if you have 10 questions and each is worth 1 point, you would "pass" the assessment with a score of 8 or greater (or whatever your minimum point threshold is). 

    I would probably stick with 1 point for each correct answer instead of doing 5 points for a wrong answer and 10 points for a correct one (or whatever you have considered) simply because of the effort involved in tracking these.

    To get the results, I would encourage you to use a Results slide that is preconfigured for pass/fail values. 

    Good luck! You're on the right track!

  • Hi Nadine,

    It looks like the suggestions above would all work, but require variables. I think you could accomplish the same outcome by just switching some of your question settings.

    If you choose to do both Feedback and Score "By Choice," I think you'll be able do what you're looking for. 

    Feedback By Choice allows you to give custom feedback, then if you click the More button next to each choice, it will let you choose which slide to branch to.

    Doing Score By Choice allows you to choose how many points you would give for each answer. 

    This way your still using normal test question screens and the Submit button.

    I put everything in a screenshot how I think you could set it up.