Forum Discussion
Can courses be copied
I would like to copy a Rise course to be able to brand it differently for different departments. Is it possible to copy an entire course?
It sure is, David. Click the 3 dots in the upper-right of the course card
and then select Duplicate. DavidGibsonCommunity Member
Perfect - Thank you
- SherriSagers1Community Member
Has this been changed or am I just blind? I can't see 3 dots in the upper-right of any course card. Also, your link doesn't seem to point to anything anymore.
Thanks for any help on this!
- SherriSagers1Community Member
So of course I found it a minute after I posted my question. :) Maybe the position has moved, though, the 3 dots for me are more in the middle of the course card - under the course header or image. Thanks for the help you would have given me! :)
Glad you found what you needed Sherri :) Thanks for the update.
- WBChanCommunity Member
Hi. I can't seem to email my lesson to another user. It's always stuck at the screen where I key in the email address and it says that it's sending but nothing happens. Is there something wrong with the system?
Hi WB,
The site is working normally (you can always check by going to - but I'm curious what browser you're working in?
- MaryJaneRader-7Community Member
I do not see the three dots with the feature to make a copy of a RISE course. The course was created by someone else and shared with me. Does that make a difference? I'd like to use it as a template.
Hi MaryJane,
Did they send you a copy of it, or invite you as a collaborator? The latter option wouldn't allow you to create a new copy of the course as you're all working on the same course.
For some more detail on the differences between the two setups, take a look at this article.
- MaryJaneRader-7Community Member
That was the issue. Thank you for the quick response.
- ErinMiller-5cd7Community Member
I have attached a copy of the top of my screen I don't see any dots or dashes to create a duplicate Rise presentation? What am I missing? THANK YOU!
Hi Erin,
You'll do it from the main Rise screen where all your course cards are shown, vs. from inside your course:
Let me know if you don't see the option there!
- TestUser-cdb5bcCommunity Member
Hello, when you duplicate a course, does the Activity ID change?
I duplicated a course and tried to upload the duplicated course to an LMS to replace the original course and I kept getting the message 'could not find a tincan package with the same activity ID'