Forum Discussion

OrvHaflid's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Can I have two results pages that use the same question bank and question draw?

I would like to have a record of training certificate on one page and a card on another.  

I tried adding another results page but the first one stopped working. 

Thanks a bunch!

  • Hello Orv,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    You can have multiple Results Slides for question banks, but this won't work properly because you can't submit questions multiple times without first resetting them, and the submission of the questions happen via a 'Submit Results' trigger found on a Result Slide. 

    If you're trying to create completion certifications, you don't need multiple Results Slides to do this. You can follow this article instead to create custom certificates by editing the report.html file that is included in the published output. 

    Hope this helps!

  • Joe is right - but - I have done something like you are asking before . . . not letting them take the questions multiple times, but using two different results . . . but it can sometimes act a little wonky because that is not a normal use case.  The main thing is to make sure they are not both final assessment results.  Change one of them to a knowledge check for example and you should be able to make it work.  Once you build the results slide, if you go back in and edit them, they will usually deselect them in the other Result, so you have to check each before you publish.

    • OrvHaflid's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks! That sounds like a good workaround. I will try it.

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