Forum Discussion

KristinaPappas's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Can someone without an Articulate license present a PowerPoint made with articulate features?

Can someone without an Articulate license present a PowerPoint made with articulate features?

I was brought on to make training materials for my department. If I make a PowerPoint, using the articulate slide designs, will someone without a license be able to present it? 

Thank you, 


  • Hi Kristina,

    Thanks for reaching out! Without an Articulate license, the Presenter tab won't show on PowerPoint, so that the Articulate features won't work.

    I recommend publishing your Presenter project to Web or LMS. Your colleague without an Articulate license can then present the published output from your Web server or LMS. Here's how:

    Let me know if that works for you!

  • You should be able to save and share your PowerPoint file.

    If you're working in PowerPoint and you use one of the Articulate templates and add characters and whatnot, that will all work. The only thing that won't work are the Articulate-specific features like annotations, Engage, Quizmaker, etc. In that case, you'll have to follow Eric's advice above.