Forum Discussion
13 years agoCommunity Member
Can we make the Zooming effect in Storyline slower?
Hello Friends,
I dont know if this problem was raised before and if it was answered. I have a doubt while using the storyline. I am more fascinated by the zoom region option in it. But even if I ...
6 years agoCommunity Member
For untold reasons you still cannot make a Grow animation from a set scale % or control the speed of the Zoom Region with other than a handfuld of fixed settings that are just variations of Too Damn Fast. Instant, Speed of Light, Ludricrous Speed, Ridiculously Fast, Super Fast, and Very Fast.
How I wish I could get that kind of image control, I have to rely on After Effects for this. Why is it that I cannot define "Zoom" animation to start at scale25% and end at scale 100%? OR just give me a numerical value I can type into the Zoom Region (in seconds).