Forum Discussion

MarkMarino's avatar
Community Member
12 days ago

Can you give learners the option to jump out & back to review content from the post-test?

I have a course that has a post-test at the end that gives learners the option to review their results and I provide them with specific review feedback on the questions slides (i.e. "Review topic/section/page xx for more information.")

Is it possible to allow the learner to jump to that specific area of the course to review that content AND then jump back to the post-test review?  I know I could add an option for them to jump out to the content that needs review, but I'm pretty sure that's a one-way street.  

Does Storyline support jumping back into the middle of a post-test review?


  • You could have the content open in a lightbox. 

    If they just need to review one slide, then don't include the navigation buttons (aka PREV and NEXT) in the lightbox. 

    If they should be able to review multiple slides, you can include the nav. buttons. If so, I suggest you add some special programming to ensure they can't navigate into the quiz (or beyond whatever section they're reviewing). For example, you could do this on the last slide they should be able to see during the review: 

    • Add a "Window" condition to the "jump to next slide" trigger so it will only run when "This slide is inside the player frame." 
    • Add a trigger that hides the Next button when the timeline starts with a condition so it will only run when "This slide is lightboxed." 
  • MarkMarino's avatar
    Community Member

    I never thought to use a lightbox, but that is a possibility... I really only need to let the learner review a single screen for each of the incorrect questions they got.  However something weird happens when I show the lightbox slide (with no navigation) and then dismiss it from the question slide... the player Next button gets confused and sometimes jumps back to the first question, or else does nothing until it's clicked on a couple times. Just to add a little complication to things, these post-test questions are in a Question Bank, in case that's relevant.  Any idea what might be causing that behavior?


  • Yes, it might be related to the QB, since the program has to determine what's "next" based on the questions used in that instance of the quiz. Still, opening and closing a lightbox shouldn't impact what the Next button does. You might want to submit a case directly to the staff: