Forum Discussion

johnfaulkes's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

Challenge - trying to build a reuseable customised Slider

I have built an (SL2) slider whose thumb graphic changes colour as it moves from left to right, using states, 'when slider moves' triggers and linking the state to the slider variable value. Easy enough so far.  

My (incomplete, I now realise) thinking was to put this on a layer; then I could copy/paste the layer to make the slider reusable (I have lots of sliders in my project).

But of course I just realised that the slider variable of the pasted layers is just the same, and all the sliders' thumb graphics change to the same colours as the first one, whenever, and to whatever position, I move them. 

I can fix it by creating a new slider variable for each layer (which would need to be changed in 5 triggers on each layer). (Grrr). 

I wonder if there is any logic champion who could think of a way to create a slider like this, which is reusable?


1 Reply

  • ModassarWarsi's avatar
    Community Member

    I am not sure if you discovered the answer yourself over these 3 years.

    Instead of duplicating the layer, duplicate the slider, and you are done! :)